Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Day 19 - Adam's Creek to Bear Creek via Oriental (26.9 nm, 13:58 hrs.)
Pulled anchor around 6:30am.  Dense fog.  Started motoring slowly using Garmin. Fog would lift then reset before getting out of Adams Creek.  Lifted fully around 8am and I then sailed across the Neuse River at 2 to 3 knots. Got to Deatons at 10:30am. Pump did not come with UPS at 11am as they thought it would. Instead, it came by Fedex at 1:30pm.  Poured rain from about 1 to 2pm.  Installed pump while it was raining and pulled out of the dock at 3:30pm.  Sailed about 20 miles with a 10 to 15 kt tail wind to Bear Creek.  Great sail but an hour before I got there, within a period of less than a minute, wind went from SW at 10 to NW at 20.  I saw it coming and furled the jib and started the engine.  Motor sailed on a close hauled course the last 4 miles with just motor and main.  Got in at 6:30pm - very nice anchorage (glad I had the Garmin to get in though).

Like motoring with your eyes closed.  Thank Garmin - but still nerve racking.

New fuel pump and hose - no more recycling fuel back into the tank!
Bear Creek, off Bay River - this was one of the prettiest and most peaceful anchorages.
Adam's creek, across Neuse River, into and out of Oriental, Neuse River north to Bay River.

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