Sunday, May 6, 2012

Day 3 - Solomons Maryland (0 nm)
Up at 6:30am.  Climbed mast to straighten new windex tabs (later failed again).  Motored to Zanheizers at 10am for ice.  They let me stay at one of their moorings for nothings since they were not busy and I was to only be there for a couple hours.  Jody and Quinn had just arrived by car to take Mike home.  Mike and I dinghied in and met they in the museum.  Coming in from the water bypasses the fees. Museum dinghy docks were nice.  Went to lunch at the Ruddy Duck - about a mile north of the museum.  Then back to the museum where we all toured for about an hour. Took Quinn out to the boat in the dinghy.  They were having RC sailboat races off the museum docks - had to row around the outside of the course.  Left around 2pm and went back up mill creek to Spring Cove (N38 19.937 W76 26.644).  After about 1pm, it cleared up and turned out to be a nice sunny day. Unfortunately, the weather over the first couple days wasn't that great.

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